
Why do the kids ask me for something as soon I sit down? 

Why do I bother cleaning up the puppy’s toys when I know she’s going to drag them right back out again? 

Why do I put away the kids toys when I know Bubby is going to drag them all over the playroom (At least I can shut the door!)?

Why does it rain on days where I want to get out of the house?

Why did the garbageman pick up the trash on Labor Day? Now I have a trash can full of trash because I thought they would come Tuesday.

Why is Sweet Pea obsessed with having cheese for a snack, EVERY DAY?

Why aren’t moms paid, in something besides awesome hugs, kisses, and laughs?

Why are my kids so cute when they play together?

Why can I never be caught up on laundry?

Why does my house get so dusty?

Why does Bubby’s hair grow in faster in the back than it does everywhere else?

Why won’t my yard grow grass instead of thousands of prickly weeds? I know why, but it still irritates me that we can’t enjoy our back yard. 

Why are the sniffles not going away for Sweet Pea?

Why does Sweet Pea ask me ten thousand questions, every day? Why does she repeat herself over and over till I want to scream?! (Oh that’s right, she is FOUR)

Why does Bubby squeal like a pig when he doesn’t get his way? (oh, yeah, he’s 2)

Why haven’t I blogged more?


The Crazy Things that my children say..

I haven’t done this in forever. I’ve been trying to note my favorite sayings on my phone, because I want to keep it somewhere I can read when they are older. 🙂

A few weeks ago we were at a party where Sweet Pea informed me that “Doritos taste like fire.”

All righty then.

When we had Spartacus, we had Sweet Pea help us with his poop. Most of the time she would do it without saying anything, but one time she told me.. “But MOM, that’s not my favorite!!” And cleaning up poop is my favorite past time. Silly girl.

The kids and I went to Starbucks. I got them a water or juice, but Bubby wanted my coffee. I told him no, and then he says. “That’s mommy’s juice!” 🙂 Yes it is baby, mama needs her caffeine. haha

Sweet Pea informed Jason and I that she doesn’t like boys, “boys are gross, I only like dads”.

Can we keep it that way? We told her she can’t date till she is 35.

A couple of weeks ago we were preparing to go to the beach. I was taking my time cutting up strawberries and a pineapple to make a fruit bowl for the kids. Sweet Pea was not impressed. She told me I wasn’t doing it right, because my friend T, made her kids fruit kabobs. She informed me that I needed to buy sticks for the next time we went to the beach.

She is bossy, and I swear she gets that from her father.





HA! (She’s cursed, she gets it from both of us)

We were driving with the dog last week and Sweet Pea told us that the dog would like to listen to “Call Me Maybe”. This has been one of Sweet Pea’s favorite songs and asks for us to play it all the time. lol

Finally, this morning as I was getting them some cereal Sweet Pea asks me who makes the stove and refrigerator. Before I could answer her she said “I know! Elves make them, you know, the ones who make presents for kids. They make appliances then they put them in people’s homes while they are sleeping”. I have no idea where she gets her ideas. But they are super cute.

Like I’ve said before, things are rarely dull in our house. I’m sure Bubby will be coming up with his own soon. He’s is starting to talk our ears off, in a language we can understand.

Mommy bribed the kids with ice cream so she could get her grocery shopping done!

A tough day for parenting.

I will admit it. I made a mistake. 

I should have never gotten Spartacus, the dog. He was not made for family life. He was older (2 years) and too fragile for my rough and tumble two year old. 

He was great for a couple of months, but a small dog can only tolerate so much. We had to limit playtime with the kids. The neighborhood kids treated him like a toy. (they got a little upset when he wasn’t allowed to play outside anymore)

The dog wanted to cuddle. Pure and simple. He wanted to be held like a baby. He did not want children to hold him though. Sweet Pea was gentle (for the most part) and he started to growl and snap at her whenever she walked nearby.

She loved that dog.

He just was not a good fit for our family. In addition, we could NOT house train him. He wouldn’t pee in the house, but he would poop. 

So judge me. We made the decision to find the dog another home. Not because of the house training, but because he was not a good dog for a family.

We found him a wonderful home. An older lady who lived alone who wanted a companion. She plans to sleep with him, carry him in a purse, and have play dates with her friends who also have small dogs.

Perfect fit for him.

I feel bad for my girl, but she is adapting. And she got a new Betta fish, named Gizzy. Bubby could care less.

We do plan on getting another dog. A PUPPY. A larger breed. One that will play with children. One that will be more patient and grow up with crazy kids wanting to play with it. 

But I feel we did what was best for the dog and my children. I am sure we will find a dog that is a perfect fit for our family. 

Public service announcement!!

If an iPad drops on your toe, it will hurt. And if it drops just right on your four year old’s toe, it will do some serious damage.

Sweet pea got off the couch and the iPad slipped out of her hands. She cried a cry where I knew she was hurt badly. Immediately a blood blister formed under the nail and slowly throughout the day it got worse. I made her elevate it, tried to ice it, and gave her motrin for the pain.

Her whole nail is purple. I’m afraid it might fall off. She (understandably) won’t let me take the rest of the fingernail polish off to see the extent of the bruise/blister. So no closed shoes or ballet for a little while. Let’s hope it heals some before she starts her new dance class next week. (she gets to do tap AND ballet. She is so happy)

Here is a picture as further proof that iPads should never fall on one’s toe.


May Photos

Here are the photos from May. I took most of them with my iPhone since I was too lazy to bring my nice camera everywhere. We managed to have some good times between surgeries, sicknesses, and cysts bursting. haha

Beware of Gummy Bears.

Gummy Bears soaked in vodka can be nasty things. Jason and I were invited to an 80’s party. Jason was in heaven since he loves the 80’s. After weeks of him contemplating what his costume would be, he decided on Boy George.

I went all out at the Thrift Store.

The night finally comes, our costumes look great, if I say so myself.


Our friend, E, comes over, we take pictures and get to the party, nearly an hour late. Anyway, the hostess soaked some gummy bears in vodka and thank GOD I do not like gummy bears. Everyone who ate a good amount of them got sick. 😦

First it was our friend T. Jason had asked me to get his some beer at the store down the street. A couple of friends come with, I go home to grab something. We are almost back to the party when T loses it in one of the car seats. It was only 10pm!! It was totally unlike her. We get her settled and then get back to the party.

I look to find Jason and find him in the corner about to puke. *sigh* I asked him how bad it was and he said “I gotta go”. Boo. He ends up walking out the door while puking in his hat. Then in the bushes.


So we load him up. I get him home and then decide to pick up the kids since Jason is home. I run to the baby-sitter’s house, who luckily lives in the same neighborhood. I take them back home. Put them on the couch with a movie and blankets while Jason is losing his dinner in the bathroom.

My friend, E, is still with me. We go back to the party in hopes to salvage some of the night. We get there and sit down and T’s husband starts feeling sickly. He kept telling us “I’m ready to go when you are”. He made it an hour before he had to go throw up.

So E and I end up leaving the party for good and hang out in the garage talking.

Have I mentioned how I hate puking?!

It was an “interesting” evening to say the least. And beware of gummy bears soaked in any alcohol. They are not your friends.

I’ll take care of you… unless

Unless you vomit.

If someone is bleeding, bring it on. I want to get a look at the injury. I’m fascinated with that stuff, one of the reasons I wanted to go in the medical field. The only time I get worried is when it involves my children, so please kids, don’t bleed. (Mommy doesn’t want to check out a wound to see if I can see your muscle or bone.)

If you vomit, I will not rub your back. (Unless maybe your my child.)

I will not clean your vomit from any surface.

I will run far, far away to avoid the smell and sound. If I can’t run, I will probably squeeze my eyes shut, sing really loud and try to plug my nose and my ears at the same time. And possibly be crying.

I HATE vomiting. Well, maybe, not hate it. I have an irrational fear of starting to puke and never stopping.

I haven’t puked since I was December of 2002. That’s how much I hate puking. I remember that last time I puked. That’s sad, that I know when I puked last.

I have no idea how I made it through both of my pregnancies without puking. I was SO queasy and nauseous. Constantly. It was horrible with Sweet Pea. I’ve been seasick, yet I will lay down in the boat or my husband’s lap and tell myself, “you are a huge wimp. You are NOT going to puke right now. SUCK IT UP!”

I’ve been drunk, and still won’t puke. Actually, I’ve never drunk so much where I’ve felt nauseous..maybe it is that fear of puking that makes me hold back when I actually do drink more than a glass of wine?

I guess I would rather feel queasy for 2-3 hours, or more, than puke one time and feel 1000 times better.

I didn’t say it made sense.


There was a short and weird virus that hit our household last week. First Sweet Pea had it. She wouldn’t eat, but that’s not saying anything, eating has become a small battle in her house. Then I asked her if she wanted to play outside and she told me “NO!!”. That made my radar go off, check her forehead and she is burning up. She has a fever of 101. And that was the only symptom, besides being tired and grumpy.

Then, of course, a day later, Bubby starts acting off, I check his temperature, it’s 102! He is miserable. He seems to have been hit harder with it, all he wanted to do was lay on top of me.

That night, he puked upstairs. Thankfully, I was not around for this and Jason was the one who saw it. (he puts that kids to bed)

And to tell you the truth, I was scared to get in bed with my son. I was scared he was going to puke.

Which he did!!

He woke me up at 4am out of a sound sleep, he was gagging in his sleep. I immediately freak the heck out. I bounce out of bed, going, “oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Help me. He’s going to puke.”

I am torn, should I stay with him and try to catch the puke? Get a towel, but will I make it back in time? What if he pukes in the bed?  Is he going to choke since he is still sleeping? At this point, I am almost crying for fear that I’m going to have to clean up puke. Not that my son feels bad, but because I have to clean up his puke.

*sigh* I am a horrible mother.

It wasn’t that bad though, I run to get a towel, I hear him gagging then swallow the puke down. (Holy Moly). I almost lost it.

What the heck am I going to do if a stomach virus hits this house? Well, I know what I would do.. I would go far, far away, and let Jason handle it. (Just kidding! Kind of.) But what if Jason isn’t home to help me. Does some mother instinct kick in to help the fear of puke?!

I honestly prayed that my kids would get the stomach of steel from me. That was one of my hopes when I was pregnant. I’m dead serious. I don’t remember having stomach viruses, I know my sister did. I was the sickly one who kept getting strep and mono.. she would get a stomach virus once a year. I would rather have strep throat.

Please tell me I’m not the only mom out there who has this same fear.

And to my friends, family, acquaintances, if you ever have a stomach virus float through your home, know that I will not be visiting you and your home till I know it is safe.

P.S. If you hate vomiting too, don’t google “no puking symbol”. All I can see in my head are images of people puking. God help me.

Boo, hiss. BLAH.

I was so excited to go to my doctor’s appointment today to get the okay to do everything my little heart desired. I wanted to work out again, pick up my kids, move furniture.

He told me it will be another four weeks till I am completely healed.

I can ease into all that slowly, and I WILL, but I was hoping to start my kettlebell workout again, and that’s out for another couple of weeks. 


I figured I’ll start by walking the neighborhood or something. I don’t know. I’ve gained 3lbs back, thanks to sitting on my butt and not sticking to healthy foods.

I’ve got a ball to attend in August, and I WILL look good. haha So back to the diet at least, and I’ll slowly work my way up back to working out 5-6 days a week.

At least I have the okay to scrub my house. Jason is a great father, and tidy-upper, but he is not good at cleaning. He makes sure the sink is empty and the counters are clean. But he didn’t vacuum (I couldn’t, it weighs 30 pounds, thank you Kirby), sweep (Thank God brooms aren’t heavy), or scrub anything. My house is nasty and it grosses me out.  Yay for moving furnitures and scrubbing cabinets.


My life is so exciting. 


The highlight of my day? Bubby telling me “Ooo wook pretty” or You look pretty. Heart. Melted. (Maybe I should get dressed out of sweats more often?!)