The Crazy Things that my children say..

I haven’t done this in forever. I’ve been trying to note my favorite sayings on my phone, because I want to keep it somewhere I can read when they are older. πŸ™‚

A few weeks ago we were at a party where Sweet Pea informed me that “Doritos taste like fire.”

All righty then.

When we had Spartacus, we had Sweet Pea help us with his poop. Most of the time she would do it without saying anything, but one time she told me.. “But MOM, that’s not my favorite!!” And cleaning up poop is my favorite past time. Silly girl.

The kids and I went to Starbucks. I got them a water or juice, but Bubby wanted my coffee. I told him no, and then he says. “That’s mommy’s juice!” πŸ™‚ Yes it is baby, mama needs her caffeine. haha

Sweet Pea informed Jason and I that she doesn’t like boys, “boys are gross, I only like dads”.

Can we keep it that way? We told her she can’t date till she is 35.

A couple of weeks ago we were preparing to go to the beach. I was taking my time cutting up strawberries and a pineapple to make a fruit bowl for the kids. Sweet Pea was not impressed. She told me I wasn’t doing it right, because my friend T, made her kids fruit kabobs. She informed me that I needed to buy sticks for the next time we went to the beach.

She is bossy, and I swear she gets that from her father.





HA! (She’s cursed, she gets it from both of us)

We were driving with the dog last week and Sweet Pea told us that the dog would like to listen to “Call Me Maybe”. This has been one of Sweet Pea’s favorite songs and asks for us to play it all the time. lol

Finally, this morning as I was getting them some cereal Sweet Pea asks me who makes the stove and refrigerator. Before I could answer her she said “I know! Elves make them, you know, the ones who make presents for kids. They make appliances then they put them in people’s homes while they are sleeping”. I have no idea where she gets her ideas. But they are super cute.

Like I’ve said before, things are rarely dull in our house. I’m sure Bubby will be coming up with his own soon. He’s is starting to talk our ears off, in a language we can understand.

Mommy bribed the kids with ice cream so she could get her grocery shopping done!

One of those days

I go upstairs to get ready for Sweet pea’s dance class and come downstairs to this mess.


He is going to drive me to drink. The worst part is we are being attacked by ants and cereal was everywhere. So I did the best I could do before having to leave the house.

Came back to ants grabbing any crumb they could find.

At least the day ended with well. Lets hear a whoo-hoo for a cute pedicure with good friends. πŸ™‚

Let me tell you a spooky story..

Sweet Pea keeps us entertained, and her latest thing is to tell us spooky stories while we are eating dinner. I took a video of it the other night. This one was about a big dog and cake. πŸ™‚ She gets really into it.

And now that I have figured out to embed videos (WordPress and photobucket don’t mix), here is Bubby’s Be-bot video. πŸ™‚

We have some cute kids, if I say so myself.

Why staying home is worth it. (Things my kid’s say and do #??)

I am incredibly fortunate that we can afford for me to stay at home with our children. Before giving birth to Sweet Pea I thought I would okay with possibly getting a job. Haha After she was born, it almost physically hurt to leave her. (Of course, now that they are both a little older, some grown-up time would be nice haha)

Anyway, I would miss so much stuff if I wasn’t home to enjoy it.

For example, an hour ago, Bubby grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, opened the pantry and grabbed some cereal. Then he proceeded to open up the cereal and pour it into his bowl (mostly successful in not spilling). He is a very determined little boy.

A couple of weeks ago we went to a local museum and walked through a cool tunnel lit up with neon stuff and black light. Sweet Pea grabs me hand and says “I am freaking.out!” She is 4 going on 15.

Sweet Pea also told me one day that she would like Santa to bring her a Pony. I’m sure that would be great for our yard that is not much bigger than a postage stamp. πŸ˜‰

Bubby came up to me the other morning, grabbed my hair brush and started brushing my hair. After he was done he told me I looked pretty. (or pr-ee-y) Then said “hair out of eyes” and brushed my hair away from my face. He also tells me I look cute everytime I wear a skirt. ❀

We had to take the kids to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. They both had high fevers and were complaining that their throats hurt. So I told Sweet Pea where we were going, and she got upset, and said, “NO! I don’t want my belly cut!!” She was a little worried after my surgery and we had a long talk about it. Which ended up with her asking me where babies come from… that conversation will have to wait a few years. haha

Finally, here is a link to a video of Bubby’s versions of robot and motorcycle. (I don’t know how to embed videos without having to pay) It is worth it to click the link. He says “I’m done” when he realizes I am recording him.

Bubby’s version of Robot.

I have to get myself ready to take the kids to the movies… it should be interesting with Bubby.

My Morning Started with a Bang!

At 12:30 am last night, I went to pee before going to bed and BAM, a cyst burst.

That is what landed me in the hospital for emergency surgery less than a month ago. I was a tad bit worried. I crawled down the stairs, downed a pain pill, and prayed that it was just going to be a long painful night that didn’t involve surgery.

Who would have thought I was hoping for “only” a normal cyst bursting.


I was up all night between pain and the pain pill making me feel high.

Then the kids woke up super early, just as I was getting some good sleep.

They wouldn’t watch a movie. Or rather. BUBBY wouldn’t. He kept climbing all over me.

I got up with them, got them breakfast, tried to doze off on the couch, and nope. Bubby wasn’t having that either.

Hubby and I planned a beach trip though, so I was feeling like I could walk without wanting to vomit, and got the kids and I ready. I go to put everything in the car so we can meet Jason, and realize I have no idea where my keys are…

I tore the place up and down trying to find them. My neat house is now a disaster area.

I called Jason, he remembers me putting them in the stroller when we took the kids to the zoo Tuesday. And the stroller was in the car, locked.


Jason heads home, which sucks because it is a 30 minute drive and we were supposed to meet him to save time.

I decide to try and get rid of my crankiness by taking the bickering, overtired children to the convenient store in our neighborhood for an icee.

The power is off.

My morning sucked.

BUT we finally made it to the beach. We had a great time, except when Bubby started to walk straight into the ocean without Jason or I. (Jason was swimming and I went to grab the beach chair to put it closer to the water). I caught the kid just as he went under.

Swimming lessons are now going to be a priority, that kid shaved 10 years off my life today.

The thought of it still makes me want to cry.

Here is hoping tomorrow will be a better, less frightening day.

Picture Post

Here are the photos from April. πŸ™‚ A lot of them were taken from my new Iphone. Woot!!

An update post.

I am going to be honest, I haven’t felt like blogging. I haven’t felt like doing much of anything lately.

Just a quick post to update everyone.

Bubby – is talking our ears off. He will not let his big sister talk for him. He wants to tell us thing. It is so cute, yet hard to understand. He doesn’t speak the clearest, but it is adorable. The other day, he came up to tell me “Are you going to dance, or not?” His little hand signals were so cute. Then he told me to “come on” dragged me to the garage and we danced to the music Jason was playing in the garage.


He started a tumbling class, and LOVES it. It is totally up his alley. I’ll share some pictures in the next post.

Sweet Pea – So talkative as usual. She had a doctor’s appointment this past week. The doctor told me she always forgets how old Sweet Pea is because she is SO talkative and speaks so clearly. Anyway, she is perfectly healthy. Still 50% in height and weight. (36lbs and 40 inches). She has the longest legs though, I feel like I am always buying her clothes because she outgrows all her skirts and dresses so quickly. Luckily she doesn’t need to wear pants here. πŸ˜‰

She still loves ballet class and is getting better at it every week.

Jason – He went on a 2 week deployments to some islands near Australia. I think he enjoyed it for the most part, even though he didn’t really want to go at first. He did get a sinus infection while there, so that was miserable having to fly in a plane with pressurization problems. He is very stressed with work. He has some qualifications he needs to get and a test he needs to pass. So if you could please say a prayer or two from him? He doesn’t care much for his duty station, and the extra stress on him makes it more difficult for him. Thank you.

Me – I don’t know if I posted this before, I got accepted into Franklin University in Ohio. I will be taking an online degree program to become a certified personal financial planner. I will help people get out of debt, plan for retirement, etc. I am excited to get started. Unfortunately I won’t be taking any summer classes because I had some things to deal with (such as Jason being gone for 2 weeks) And on another “interesting” tidbit, I had to have an emergency laparoscopic surgery performed. I’ll post more details on that later, but let’s just say. my ovaries SUCK. lol It is a long story and I don’t want to type it all right now.

Other than that, things have been chugging along.


Another installment of Things my kids do and say..

Bubby always keep my on my toes. If he is quiet, I better go find out what he is doing.

Today we were saying goodbye to our first friends we made in Hawaii. :(:(:( The kids and I were in the parking lot waiting for Jason. We stood beside a light pole and the kids were acting like they were climbing up it. Then my friend K asked what was all over Bubby’s face.. it was PAINT. Β It was all over his face, shirt, hands… and hair.

*sigh* I can’t figure out if it was fingernail polish or acrylic paint. It was bright pink. I was scared it was going to end up tinting his hair pink. Not very manly. haha I knew Jason would want us to cut it, so “I googled paint in hair” and called my mama. πŸ˜‰ Thanks to Olive Oil and Dawn dish soap, his sweet blonde hair was back to normal.

Look, mom.

The hair. EEK.

Thank goodness.

Oh, and if he wants any type of sweet – he will let you know it. Whether it be a cookie, candy, graham cracker, or cake. It is “I want cake!!. Pease I want cake!” He is relentless. haha

Moving on to our Sweet Pea.

I asked Jason to run to the store and pick up a new charger for the laptop. While he was there I called him to get me some clear fingernail polish. He takes the kids with him, when they get back Sweet Pea asks me “Why did we get you water for your fingernails?”

In the same conversation, she told me that she should not talk to strangers. She told us “If a stranger tries to give me candy, I am supposed to yell ‘NO!’ and then run away and get you guys. Then you guys will beat him up, maybe till he dies.” I have no idea where she got the idea that we would beat someone till they died, but at least she knows not to talk to strangers.

So cute. πŸ™‚

Oh, and she cut her bangs. Luckily they weren’t too short where I couldn’t fix them.

Every time she wants to know how old someone is, she asks “what number is she/he?”

Finally, Sweet Pea has been obsessed with Curious George lately. They recently watched an episode where George and one of his friends went through the human body. So when Sweet Pea came down with a cold, she proceeded to tell me about germs. She said “Mommy, I am sick. I have a bad germ in my body. He is blue. The good germs, they are green. They are kicking the blue germ really, really hard.”

Life would be so boring without these two.

My Puddin’ Face

Bubby is still quite a messy little toddler. As you can see by this picture.

He’s lucky he is so cute and so sweet. His messes can be frustrating.

Playing dress up with Sissy.

But those baby blues and blonde curls melt me.

Those curls!!

Although I would love for him to get to the stage where I am not having to clean up after him, seemingly, 24/7, I am going to miss his sweet little baby hugs.Β Time, please slow down.

Things my kids say…

I haven’t done one of these in a long time.

Stuck in the walker that Baby S was supposed to use... haha

And I have sucked at blogging lately. I just started a new semester in school, I am in the process of switching to a new school to a program that better suits my career choice (I’ve FINALLY decided I want to be a certified personal financial planner, I love budgets!). Sweet Pea and Jason went to a father daughter dance, pictures coming soon. And we got a DOG. Recently, I’ve also come down with a slight tummy bug which is kicking my butt. So I’ve been just a tiny bit busy.

Anyway, here we go.

Sweet Pea told us that she had to turn the ceiling fan on, I asked her why, she said “Because I tooted and it stinks!!”

Sweet Pea recently got a Melissa and Doug wooden pizza maker, its really cute. So she was pretending to call me on her phone from her play kitchen asking what kind of pizza I wanted. She stopped me mid-sentence and said “Hold on, the pizza maker has to poop!”

I was cleaning the floors a couple of weeks ago. Something I do 3-4 times a day, thanks to my lovely son who is one of the messiest kids on the planet. She told me, “Don’t worry about it Mommy, we are human vacuum cleaners.” Then proceeds to pick up cheerios off the floor and try to eat them. The thought was sweet, but no, we don’t eat food off the floor.

We were at the dinner table a week or so ago, and we were joking around. Sweet Pea raises up her little fist, and goes “Want a piece of this?!”. Thank you, Aunt M, for teaching her that. haha πŸ™‚

Finally, today we were walking out to get Burger King. I know, I am a bad mommy, but I cannot fix them dinner while I am in the bathroom half the day.. so I let her hold the money. She said, “what number is this? 20? I don’t like 20’s! I like 100’s!”. Β Good girl, aim high.

I do have to add a couple of cute tid bits with Bubby. He is talking more clearly every day. We tell him I love you, and he says – “love you too” Even when he is the one who says it first – it is always – love you too. Never, I love you. It is cute though.

And when he kisses you, he grabs you face with both his hands and goes MMMMMMMMMUUUUAAAHHHHHHHH! Seriously, the cutest thing ever.

I will add one more sweet thing Sweet Pea told me today. She came up to me after nap time and told me she had “drips” in her eyes. I asked her why, she told me “Because I miss all my family and friends in North Carolina. That’s where I belong.” Talk about breaking my heart. Most days I am thankful for Jason’s career in the Coast Guard, but moments like that make me wish we had a private jet and lots of money.